Modified Class PP - 1957 to Present Pickups
1957 Chevy PickupTom Lee, Smith River, CA

1967 Mercury Cougar
Bob Viola, San Mateo, CA

Mixed Class ME - Camaros and Firebirds
1967 Chevy CamaroRich and Cindy Briare, Novato, CA

Modified Class II - 1953 to 1964
1962 Chevy CorvetteRick and Toni Smith, Carlotta, CA

Modified Class OO - 1949 to 1958 Pickups and Panels
1953 Chevy Pickup, Dale Peterson, Roseville, CA
Modified Class LL - 1955 to 1957 Chevys and Best Interior - 1956 Chevy Bel Air Hard Top, John Boyd, Pleasanton, CA

Linda Gardner Memorial Trophy
1937 Ford Club CabrioletDoug and Leellen Trayler, Windsor, CA
Modified Class TT - Rat Rods
1931 Ford CoupeLaurie and Jim Knight, Santa Rosa, CA

Best Paint
1941 Willy's CoupeKen Castor, Santa Rosa, Ca
Modified Class BBS
1931 Ford A James Rickaby, Hoopa, Ca

Stock Class F
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS 454Karl Brown, Crescent City, CA
Fortuna Business Improvement Choice
1971 Dodge ChallengerJohn Dobson, Cottonwood, CA
City Manager's Choice
1955 Chevy NomadJerry and Nancy Walsh, Sonoma, CA
Mixed Class MG - Foreign Sports
1967 Volkswagen Micro BusGary Brownell, Scotia, CA

Best Engine
1932 Ford 3 Window CoupeMichael Umphenour, Widnsor, CA
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